Thursday, May 14, 2009


The other night I was flipping through the t.v channels when something caught my eye.  It was called a stone baby.

The "pregnant" lady was a 76 year old named Zahra from a small village outside of Casablanca.

When she was 26 she was pregnant with her first kid and feared childbirth (who doesn't?).  So when it was time to have the baby she refused to go to the hospital despite her pain.  After a week or so of horrible pain, the baby stopped moving and the pain eased.  (What the fuck, what did she think would happen?)

She believed in the Moroccan culture that a baby can sleep in its mother for eternity to protect her honor and Zahra believed this is what happened.

She forgot about the unborn child (don't ask me how because her stomach continued to look like a watermelon was inside) until she had horrible pains when she was 76.  Her adopted son took her to the doctor where he told her she had a tumor and they would need to operate.

Still forgetting about her unborn child, she agreed to surgery. After a 4 hour operation the doctors removed a 7 pound calcified, rock-solid 30 year old baby!

How in the world do you just brush off the fact that a baby is inside of you and struggling to get out? Seriously. 

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