Backstage was crazy like always: models were tired and bitchy from being at the theater all day, hair and makeup artists were beginning to sweat attempting to finish everyone's "look", Catherine Boba was still changing/cutting/editing/accessorizing garments all while only saying two things: "Oh, no no!" meant she hated it or "J'adore, j'adore" meant she loved it.
And everyone accepted her sparse words and did what they were told.
The show began with a strange modern dance routine where the dancers were dressed as if they came out of the set of Ghostbusters, even clad in backpacks. The exception, big office laps were attached to the backpacks and extended over their heads.
Despite the uniform lacking in style, the music was particularly drab French beats, and the movements, while modern, where slow and lifeless.
Next, Paula Wallace (the second most-famous Paula of Savannah and our President) gave her blah blah speech which was followed by Andre Leon Talley's blah blah speech.
Wallace and Talley strutted cape-like outfits that hung in a blah blah way covering their blah blah bodies. While Paula's cape seemed to shrink her tiny 4 foot 1o body,
Andre's did the complete opposite. His large body appeared even larger, matching if not exceeding the size of his ego.
Then came the Toledo's, who surprised me and many others with their honest and sincere remarks. Isabel Toledo even came to tears while talking about her 25 year marriage and partnership with Ruben.
The show began with strong energy but slightly lost some of it's spunk about 2/3rds of the way in to only return and pass the prior levels of adrenaline with the finale. All in all, things went wrong, but no one in the audience could tell and the show has been quoted as "edgy and innovative".
I agree.
I don't speak fluent french but I thought you'd like to know she really was saying "I love/adore" but it's spelled j'adore.