My mother had skin cancer, not once, not twice, but three times. Songs are written about why we should wear sunscreen and plastic surgens make bank because of people like me. But, I continue to tan.
I'm not talking about laying out at Tybee with my oils and lotions and embracing the natural sunlight and warmth that Savannah has to offer. I'm referencing tanning salons. They are one of my few (okay, maybe many) addictions and I can't say no.
I love being tan and enjoy instant gratification even more. But, the other day I discover something new. Titled double dipping.
It's where you lay in the high intensity bed for 10 minutes then get sprayed by the Mystic Tan machine, only to return to the tanning bed again for another 10 minute dosage of melanoma.
Could I ask for anything more?
Maybe to be just a bit tanner.
Oh wow. Keep these words handy to remind yourself of your youthful indiscretions during trips to the dermatologist in 10 years.