I looked at my cell phone to see that I had missed a call and had a new voicemail. It was left by a friend in Tallahassee so I assumed it was just a "What's up?" message. I was wrong. He must have known that I would be completely unaware as to the reason for the siren and knew he needed to inform me as to its purpose. It was a tornado siren! There was a severe tornado warning in our county and I needed to seek shelter immediately.
Without a minute to waste I grabbed my computer, phone, and makeup bag and headed to the bathroom. As I was preceding to apply my mascara I realized that when the tornado hit I would be that girl. The girl that was blown away because she was too involved into applying just enough coats of the black eye makeup to realize that she was standing in a top floor bathroom with a large picture window in it. I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs to the storage closet. I waited out the storm for about twenty minutes surrounded by spare paint and extra bedding.
Even though a tornado didn't hit, at least next time that siren sounds, I will know what it means. I wish it meant that sexy men where racing to dress, put on their boots, and slide down the poll, but no. It simply means to take cover. Not only am I now educated in tornado precautions, but I have "remodeled" the storage closet in case I ever have to spend time in there again. Boxes have been pushed to the back and a plush beanbag chair resides in that prime real estate. Next to the chair is a case of water, a stack of mags, and a nifty man-powered radio/flashlight thing I picked up at Restoration Hardware. Next time, I will be ready.
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